Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Taking a Dip

Boy, has life been hectic!! I've really missed taking part in our daily prompts these last few days, but I'm making a conserted effort to keep up to date. The new HSMSHS site looks great by the way, it's nice to have a male reference in the title too! Anyway... on to today's prompt. The word for the day is 'Dip' and I couldn't help thinking about this pic my wife took while we were away (I can't claim the credit here). I think she did a great job catching me 'dipping' my fingers in the water, just before taking a dip in the stream! Needless to say there was still a little snow around and the water was FREEZING, but tons of fun nevertheless.


Diana said...

well done to your wife! great action shot.

Bobs said...

Wow - such perfect timing on this shot! Well done, Mrs Brendan!

Chris T said...

That's a really great shot :)

Jolanda said...

Great shot!

Unknown said...

A smashing action shot!

Enigma said...

Perfect! Nice capture!

Anonymous said...

Great shot by your wife!!!

lucy said...

What a great shot! How cold was the water?