Monday, May 19, 2008

It's great to be here!

I've finally arrived! The online world has always intimidated me a bit, and I always was the last to catch on with the latest craze, but I've finally created my own blog. And it feels great! I've recently bought a camera and the photography bug is really biting hard, so I thought what better way to share my new hobby with the rest of the world? I'm seriously going to try to upload a pic every day, that way you can keep track of how my photography is improving. I hope it doesn't bore you too much, but have a look around and let me know if you have any hints, suggestions, etc. If there are any serious photographers out there that can let me know what I'm doing wrong with regards to exposure, shutter speed, etc, I'd REALLY appreciate the input. That being said, this is my first pic. Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings, and enjoy my blog!

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