Friday, May 23, 2008

Catch 'em while you can

Today's caption is "catch 'em while you can" and it's actually two fold. I'll explain, firstly I seem to take my camera wherever I go these days (hope I don't look too much like a tourist?!!) basically with a fear that I'm going to miss an awesome opportunity for a truly great shot. I want to be able to sieze the opportunity should it arise, ie "catch it while I can". The second part is that my kids are growing SO fast it's scary. I need to catch them while I can as well. This pic was lots of fun trying to shoot, I had to climb on the roundabout with the kids and really balance, needless to say the kids were killing themselves laughing which just added to the mood of the shot. Caught them while I could!!

1 comment:

Stefij said...

hi, Just wanted to say what a fantastic photo!!! makes me feel a little dizzy looking at it, god knows how you felt trying to balance on the roundabout!!!!

you have some great photos up i look forward to seeing more! (i spotted your blog from herspace myspace, that is a fantastic site)

cheers steph