Thursday, November 6, 2008

Oh, what a tangled web we weave...

So often in life, it’s the simple things that get out of hand and become a real mission. Like trying to untangle a pile of wire clothes hangers, or undoing a knot in my sons shoelace. This morning I thought I’d shoot a roll of tape for today’s HS:MS:HS prompt, which is ‘cling’. Before I knew it everything was stuck to everything else, and somthing simple had become a mission. Lots of fun though, and I’m pleased with the result.


Unknown said...

LOL that happens to me EVERY time! I love the depth of field and the way the tangled sellotape looks almost like smoke.


love that pic, off to take mine :)

Chris T said...

Cool take, clever thinking

Photographing Mom said...

Very nice, creative shot!

Chris T said...
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Igotmebabe said...

Fab shot

Anonymous said...

I'm *so* glad it's not just me that happens to! Lovely photo..