Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I went for a walk

I went for a walk today. It's been such a rough day at the office today that by lunchtime I'd had enough and decided to go for a walk. I've been working for this company for over a year now and still don't know the area at all. Basically I drive to work and drive home, so it was quite interesting seeing sights I've never seen before, one of which was today's 'shimmering' gate.


Zena said...

What a fab gate. Nice angle.

Igotmebabe said...

Brilliant gate, it was worth while getting our for a walk, great shimmer

Aubrey Harns said...

Really cool shot - so industrial.

Chris T said...

Nice angle & nice shiny gate.

lucy said...

That is a great photo...the angle, the composition, the lighting, all came together. Very nice work!